Wednesday, July 6

Public transportations

I reached office at 5 past 8 today. Normally, I would have reached by quarter before 8 but due to the lrt problem today, the journey was a little longer than usual. Some sort of malfunction occurred to the lrt, thus it had to be driven manually from kl sentral to masjid jamek. I’m not sure what they meant by that because I don’t see any steering wheel in the lrt. Probably there was someone pushing it from the rear end. I wanted to check and see but I couldn’t. It was going slow all the way.

Peculiarly there was an unusually massive amount of people at each station today, even from the station where I was, i.e. tmn paramount. By the time reaching the universiti station, the lrt was literally soo packed, I was squashed and grasped accidentally by mostly gorgeous and striking ladies who were around me.. Chewahh.. Tipu sangat la tuh.. Some people may like it, I actually don’t seem to be fond of it. Trust me, I will not do anything like that AT ALL.. Didn’t even cross my mind.. If it did, it was probably at a speed of light.. LOL..

Even on the federal highway, the cars were already bumper to bumper.. Something’s wrong today. Can the population proliferate dramatically within a day?

I’ve been an ardent user of public transportations for ages. I used to take buses to school for 3 years before I went to BP. Even after that, I still took buses. Before lrt, before I got my license, buses would only be the only means of transportation for me. So squeezing and squashing was a part of my daily activities. Its no fun at all.. And now, it’s happening all over again. Even if I take the lrt before 7 am, I still have to stand up all the way to KLCC for nearly ½ an hour. Same goes after work, even after 7 pm. Uhuh, I will be at the office almost half a day everyday.

I’m not complaining, only the journey is quite a hassle. I love my job so far. Hehe.. like the place, the people, the environment, etc. I need to buy a car soon.. This way I can go wherever I want. La la la

Oh! And by the way, I love watching sports on weekends.. Tennis, F1, rugby??.. They make me feel happy and keep me occupied, even when some of the results were not as I wanted them to be. Lalala

So many things in my head right now, but I can’t pop it out.. Everything is jammed in there.. Got to watch a movie this weekend.. Which one will it be? Currently listening to Coldplay, Oasis and Audioslave.. Rasa high je haha


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