Thursday, June 2


Im feeling bored right now, not sure what to do. I feel like going out, but that may not be a very good idea. these past few days, i was busy rearranging things in my room. Kinda wanted to do it long ago but was too lazy. Now that i have lots of free time, apa lagi.. So apu, if you come again you'll be amazed how different it'll be. takde la, exaggerate je..

Ive decided to work at Nestle and rejected the others. Too lazy to accept anymore interviews, buang duit je ke sini sana. Might as well sit at home and enjoy the free time while I still can.

Alot of people balik kampung this weekend. Does it have to do with the Agung's bday? or is it just coincidence? well, that means my weekend plan has to be cancelled then. haiya..

i went and saw house of wax!! paris sucks.. luckily she died, but elisha is hawtttt.. rawrr, n who's dat guy being her brother? ive seen him before.. hmmm


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