Wednesday, May 25

The irony of life..

I used to whine a few weeks back, saying I still haven't been called for any interview. Now I take it back. These past few weeks, I occupied most of my times getting ready for interviews, like reading the company profile, get some q&a sample hehe, etc. After a while, you'll get used to some of the questions they wanna ask, but each interview has its own scenario. You can prepare yourself, thats the least you can do. The rest depends on how confident and confortable you are presenting yourself, with a little shear of luck.

Masa awal2 dulu semangat la gak.. tapi skarang dah malas, coz rasa frust..

I haven't been able to follow most of my favorite tv series ever since I got back. The internet is not as fast, but I can still cope with the speed. So now I'm watching other series shown on tv, those I didn't usually follow regularly when I was still in the states, although some series were a few seasons back. Well, bukan penah tgk dulu pon, so takde la repeat tgk.. I just started watching CSI.. Ya ya, ketinggalan zaman.. I should've watched the show sooner, I thought it was boring.. well my bad.. Lepas nih nak dload CSI plak lah.. tapi mesti lama giler..

Hey izan!! I was soaked wet this afternoon.. hahaha.. I thought I'm a fast runner.. I thought wrong LOL.. Dah la terserempak ngan this one guy in the lift, and that guy siap gelak lagi sbb nampak aku basah. Ended up mamat tu manager yg interview aku.. malu je..

I'm still uncertain whether or not I should go to Penang.. hmmm


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