Friday, May 20

Starwars.. How great is it?

These past few days a few people have asked my opinion on Revenge of the Sith since I'm a big fan and have watched it. Personally I think that the movie isn't that good and other reviewers too agree with my points. The reasons were the same again and again. Although Lucas has absolutely said he is finished with the series, it is inconceivable to me that 20th Century-Fox will willingly abandon the franchise, especially as Lucas has hinted that parts VII, VIII and IX exist at least in his mind. There will be enormous pressure for them to be made, if not by him, then by his deputies.

Have you guys ever thought what would the world be like if there's no computer and internet? Gila ah.. life aku skarang nih dok depan pc jer, surf sini sana.. baca blog org, tgk movie, chatting.. The list goes on.. Tak leh nak imagine doh.. I wonder what will I be doing.. reading? hmm no.. well tido je kot..

This week I went to a few more interviews. I could've either started working or went for a training program, but I ended up choosing neither. Confuse doh.. Anyway, the interview was for the Development Eng post with Contintental Sime Tire. First day, I had a group discussion with 9 other candidates and the interview session happened the next day. It was by far the worst interview I have experienced. I was bombarded with lots of questions, which I found intimidating and insulting. They really made you feel bad and useless. I felt as if I was at my lowest points in my life.

Dah la petang tu interview ngan Weatherford lagi dasyat.. Ada ke kasi org paper then suruh present pakai powerpoint within 10 minutes. GILO apa? Tapi tu la, no matter how many interviews you go, each one is different. Takleh nak practise langsong..

Anyhow the interview with Nestle went well, soalan yg ditanye tak susah and the interview was very pleasing, siap apologize kat aku lagi sbb byk sgt stages. FYI, there were 4 stages altogether. So I wasn't nervous at all. The pay is good too. Tapi org mesti tanye apsal nak keja kat Nestle sbb degree in ME.. lalala

Next week interview lagi.. Will be going to Penang again hahaha.. dah 4 kali aku pegik, including this.. Too much writing. Got to stop


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