Thursday, April 28

Interviews are fun

Life sucks after u graduate. This week, I have 4 interviews to attend, one of them I didn't go because it's too far (Rawang haha jauhnye). I have one more tomorrow, with Texas Instrument. Yang peliknye aku ingat aku apply utk satu position nih, tapi end up kena panggil utk positin laen. So I'm a little confused now. Anyway, just pegi dulu and see how it goes.

The first two interviews I had was interesting, mainly because the position doesn't have anything to do with engineering. So it's something new for me. For Nestle, I had to sit for 2 gruesome hours answering questions related to management. Just when I thought that everything was over, they called in again for another group disccusion. There we sat down as a group pretending to be coworkers discussing about organizing a business plan for a new product. Apa lagi, habis keluar sumer kepoyoan and penipuan. There's this one girl, rasanye mmg business major. nampak power gile, habis keluar term2 yg kalau org mcm aku nih takkan tau nye lah.. It felt so intimidating. I still had fun tho.

For Petronas, I was given a case study and had to discuss about it. Then the interviewer and I played a role playing game, where I was the Product Manager of the company and had to deal with customer and supervisor (both acted by the interviewer). It was very exciting, but scary at the same time sbb takde knowledge and I just relied on common sense. Dah la the other 3 candidates majored in Marketing. Still, my main purpose is to gain interview experience, and I definitely enjoyed this one.

Sempat jumpak Yus and ajak dia ke Ulu Yam this weekend. Dia kata nak bawak joran nak memancing ikan.. Bley aje Yus, tapi ikan bilis je la kot hehe.


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