Friday, May 27

Carrie wins!!..

My prediction was correct, Carrie wins the American Idol. I rooted for here since the beginning, the girl from Oklahoma will definitely be a star one day.. Although Bo was also a good singer, but I don't think he'll look cool winning the title. Let him be the sunken hero, as he is a rock star. That way, he can go further in his career rather than being branded as an American Idol. Good job fans.

Apu is with me now, hehe. He'll be crashing for a few days at my house. Tomorrow he'll be going to his interview and so will I. Then I'm not sure what to do and where whould I bring him.. lalala.. Any suggestions people?? Rawrr

Gotta make a few decisions that will determine the future of my life. Pretty serious.. Well, whatever my decision is, I hope it'll be a good one.. Amin..

Wednesday, May 25

The irony of life..

I used to whine a few weeks back, saying I still haven't been called for any interview. Now I take it back. These past few weeks, I occupied most of my times getting ready for interviews, like reading the company profile, get some q&a sample hehe, etc. After a while, you'll get used to some of the questions they wanna ask, but each interview has its own scenario. You can prepare yourself, thats the least you can do. The rest depends on how confident and confortable you are presenting yourself, with a little shear of luck.

Masa awal2 dulu semangat la gak.. tapi skarang dah malas, coz rasa frust..

I haven't been able to follow most of my favorite tv series ever since I got back. The internet is not as fast, but I can still cope with the speed. So now I'm watching other series shown on tv, those I didn't usually follow regularly when I was still in the states, although some series were a few seasons back. Well, bukan penah tgk dulu pon, so takde la repeat tgk.. I just started watching CSI.. Ya ya, ketinggalan zaman.. I should've watched the show sooner, I thought it was boring.. well my bad.. Lepas nih nak dload CSI plak lah.. tapi mesti lama giler..

Hey izan!! I was soaked wet this afternoon.. hahaha.. I thought I'm a fast runner.. I thought wrong LOL.. Dah la terserempak ngan this one guy in the lift, and that guy siap gelak lagi sbb nampak aku basah. Ended up mamat tu manager yg interview aku.. malu je..

I'm still uncertain whether or not I should go to Penang.. hmmm

Friday, May 20

Starwars.. How great is it?

These past few days a few people have asked my opinion on Revenge of the Sith since I'm a big fan and have watched it. Personally I think that the movie isn't that good and other reviewers too agree with my points. The reasons were the same again and again. Although Lucas has absolutely said he is finished with the series, it is inconceivable to me that 20th Century-Fox will willingly abandon the franchise, especially as Lucas has hinted that parts VII, VIII and IX exist at least in his mind. There will be enormous pressure for them to be made, if not by him, then by his deputies.

Have you guys ever thought what would the world be like if there's no computer and internet? Gila ah.. life aku skarang nih dok depan pc jer, surf sini sana.. baca blog org, tgk movie, chatting.. The list goes on.. Tak leh nak imagine doh.. I wonder what will I be doing.. reading? hmm no.. well tido je kot..

This week I went to a few more interviews. I could've either started working or went for a training program, but I ended up choosing neither. Confuse doh.. Anyway, the interview was for the Development Eng post with Contintental Sime Tire. First day, I had a group discussion with 9 other candidates and the interview session happened the next day. It was by far the worst interview I have experienced. I was bombarded with lots of questions, which I found intimidating and insulting. They really made you feel bad and useless. I felt as if I was at my lowest points in my life.

Dah la petang tu interview ngan Weatherford lagi dasyat.. Ada ke kasi org paper then suruh present pakai powerpoint within 10 minutes. GILO apa? Tapi tu la, no matter how many interviews you go, each one is different. Takleh nak practise langsong..

Anyhow the interview with Nestle went well, soalan yg ditanye tak susah and the interview was very pleasing, siap apologize kat aku lagi sbb byk sgt stages. FYI, there were 4 stages altogether. So I wasn't nervous at all. The pay is good too. Tapi org mesti tanye apsal nak keja kat Nestle sbb degree in ME.. lalala

Next week interview lagi.. Will be going to Penang again hahaha.. dah 4 kali aku pegik, including this.. Too much writing. Got to stop

Thursday, May 19

Starwars finally is coming to town

Just came back from watching a movie I've been waiting for 3 years!! Finally what did I get? both satisfaction and dissatisfaction.. Now I know how anakin turned to the dark side, a thought that has been playing in my mind years ago, since I first knew that Vader was once a jedi.. "Twisted by the dark side, young anakin has", as said by Yoda.. hehe.. But i still think that Lucas should have extended the story a little more. At least tell us more about Vader after he turned evil.. Just a few scenes with the masks and suits, and tadaaa!! Thats it??.. How frustating it was..

Probably I was expecting more.. I had very high expectations for this movie.. I still think that the first 3 episodes that came out were much better than the present 3 in terms of scripts, characters, emotions.. The previous 3 were simpler movie, and the storylines were much more convincing and interesting.. The current 3 dwelled too much into the technology, thus lacking character concentration.. There were also some unnecessary scenes.. Even the jokes were stupid and corny.. But I do like the ending when Obi-wan passed Luke to Owen and Beru Lars. And there they were, stood in front of their hut, watching the suns with a red horizon.. with the orchestra coming in to support the scene.. ah.. what a classy moment it was.. Those who watched the first star wars will know.. ehehe.. Well nuff said.. Good job Lucas, but try harder next time ehehehe..

Now I don't have any movies to look forward to.. Narnia? ok.. Harry potter? ok.. King kong? ok.. well there are still few good movies out there.. And definitely Da Vinci code!!.. Can't wait for the movie to be released soon..

Tuesday, May 10

A synopsis you dont want to miss

Any Star Wars fan will tell you that this was always going to be the prequel they were most interested in the final explanation of why Jedi knight Anakin Skywalker became Darth Vader and came to rule over the evil Empire eventually to fight his son Luke for the destiny of the galaxy.

Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, partly filmed at Elstree Studios, gets its worldwide release on May 19, and fans in Hollywood have already started queuing to see it.

Yet this is a film where everybody knows what is going to happen.

Herein lies the beauty of Revenge of the Sith it is the journey that is of interest, not the destination.

The film starts in an orgy of laser-beam space action, as Anakin (Christensen) and his Jedi master Obi Wan Kanobe (Ewan McGregor) attempt to rescue the leader of the Republic, Chancellor Palpatine, who has been kidnapped by the enemy.

A few fast lightsaber battles later, the audience barely has a chance to calm down before the plot thickens.

Anakin has a premonition that his wife Padme (Portman) dies in childbirth and vows not to let it happen. Then when the Jedi Council asks him to spy on his friend Palpatine for them, testing Anakin's loyalties, Anakin really begins to wrestle with his inner demons.

It is here that the movie comes to life in a more rich and complex manner than any of its predecessors. It is where the Star Wars saga grows up and comes of age. Star Wars started as a fairytale of a princess being rescued by a blue-eyed Prince Charming character and a fight against an evil masked warlord and ends as something of a violent philosophical debate about the essence of good and evil, human nature, politics and fate.

Lucas also seems to have drawn parallels between the Star Wars universe and our world there are similarities between the rise of Vader's Empire and Hitler's Nazis, and there also seems to be a veiled critique of President George W Bush.

Yet this does not mean the movie is boring for one moment. Aside from a few clunky lines of dialogue, and a few computer-generated moments 84-year-old Christopher Lee in a somersault-filled lightsaber duel occasionally looks a little odd it is hard to find fault with this movie. The actors do well despite the limitations of the script, the film looks amazing with spectacular action and scenery.

Like the best of the Star Wars films, this is a movie you will want to see again and again. It breathes new life into the series and makes you want to watch Star Wars Episode IV and the rest of the saga again even the first two prequels.

Time will tell, but it seems that Lucas has exceeded all expectations and come up with a cinematic event that compares favourably with the original three movies.

Friday, May 6

This week, my life has been revolving around interviews. Well, it has been like that for a couple weeks now. Good thing I got interviews so that I can keep my options open, but the fact that no company has yet to call back after 2 weeks frustrated me ALOT. Something must not be right, maybe I dont look so good or I'm just being impatient. This week, the interviews are far more interesting than the previous ones, in terms of the questions being asked. More technical and challenging I should say. Well I really really hope that everything will go well.. La la la la la

Weekend has arrived again, will anyone hangout with me? I'm bored. Lets party all night long.. all night long, all night.. lalala.. Elly aku nak steak aku!! hehe