Wednesday, September 29

Proposal, Northwood and Football

Alas.. my proposal report is done.. uploaded it to the portal and also submitted it to the professors via email.. therefore my suffering has ended.. but just for a while.. after this is the design concept.. each of us has to come up with and idea.. some one told me 10.. aku rasa aku perah otak sampai kering pon tak dpt 10.. but will try.. if u're reading this elly.. any hints from the pro girl?

FYI, aku try mintak pindah ker northwood smalam atas pujukan roomate tercinta lol.. coz aku dpt tau yg ade org yg dpt gak.. so, aku pon bangon pagi tadi and check email.. tau tau jer dah dpt reply from housing yg dia mmg ade room.. so lepas nih probably nak gi tgk camana tpt tu.. and then pindah ler apa lagi ehehe.. aduh.. bahu aku nih dah lar saket.. mcm org tua je.. maybe sbb tak cukup susu masa kecik and skarang kot..

Man Utd is back baby.. just look at the defense and offense yesterday.. the score could easily be more than 6.. rasanya rooney saje je hattrick tu, kalau tak mesti dah bley score 5.. all u other soccer fans out there.. the king has return.. .