Tuesday, September 7

Class confusion

this is kinda funny.. didnt realize it until i went to the 1st class.. started yesterday, when i wanted to sleep.. tgk schedule, esok kelas kol baper, then set alarm (siap 2 lagi, punye smangat nak gi kelas) then tido, then bangon, then check schedule skali lagi before gi kelas... then gi kelas, sampai takde org dlm kelas except for james (this 1 guy I met in the class).. sembang2 ngan dia blah blah.. then dia ckp 1st class dia pon takde org mcm nih..

waited until 10 - 15 minutes still takder org.. rasa pelik coz didn't get any email from the professor saying that the class is cancelled.. dah check dah before keluar bilik tadi.. lagipon azwan mesti dtg awal kelas.. something's not right.. so james and I pon blah.. aku gi lab kat EECS, nak check skali lagi.. on the way tu baru teringat.. damn hari nih selasa.. BODO betol aku.. padahal dah check 2 kali pon still tak perasan gak.. rasa bengong ade, poyo pon ader.. I guessed mmg ramai jer org mcm kitorang nih yg silap schedule.. congrats! welcome to the idiot world..

Pengajaran: jgn pegi kelas, senang citer