Wednesday, April 28

well.. testing the 2nd entry of my new blog.. tgh nak belajar slowly and implement it here.. pening gak nak tukar layout after not doing it for a long time.. budak2 pon kalo ckp pasal blog aku mesti keluar nama ivan coz tu lah last skali yg aku tulis.. tu pon coz aku dedicatekan lagu kat dia hehe..

darn hari nih pusing2 gak aku.. went to central to have free ice cream with elly sharence ijat ayun and jun.. jun ended up to the discussion straight away coz the line was quite long.. dah lar sejok ari nih.. but the line was fast.. about 10 minutes we were already enjoying the ice cream and were heading to bubble tea.. singgah china gate sat order crab cheese, which is now still lying on my table.. somehow rasa tak sedap kalau beli sendiri.. pau org best.. ended up at pinball pete's.. omigod elly power gile maen time crisis 3.. terasa loser tahap agong.. ingat nak train maen kat lounge malam nih but lambat nak mintak kat ayun..

pas tu gi maen volleyball kejap.. ade lah setitik peloh kot keluar kat ketiak.. gila tak puas hati kitorang (yes, im not the only one) kat sorang mamat cino nih.. sape yg maen volley tau lah "kehebatan" dia.. macam maen ngan coach.. anyway.. penat gak lah maen coz siket jer yg datang.. where did everybody go? dulu meriah saja kalo ada org ajak maen kat ncrb.. skarang nih seciput jek..

gi fleetwood lak melantak.. puas ati gak la dpt hang out coz dah lama tak hang out.. probably sume org busy ngan hal masing2.. yeah that i understand.. just missed all those good old times.. the older you become, the less time you spend your time with ur friends.. aku pon most of the time skarang nih lepak kat bilik je.. loser gile rasa..

hmm.. next plan for the week before the spring starts..
1) update sume gambar
2) perkemaskan blog
3) kemas bilik and sewa u-haul (renting it rite now)
4) dload + burn sume tv shows.. kasi tontonan time summer nanti..


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