Tuesday, April 27

Ingat nak buat template baru and then start tulis balik tapi sbb jahil blogging and tak reti camana nak modify dia nyer server utk publishing, i ended up writing in the template.. hehe.. this is just for my memory.. just in case kalau bosan bley baca balik what have i been doing.. rasa loser gak sbb nampak sgt tak benda nak buat.. but well, at least i dont feel bored coz im doing something rite now..

rite now im at the office alone.. sejok gak ari nih.. since kat dlm building dah tak pasang heater but pasang aircond instead, its kinda chilly rite now.. terketaq2 gak nohhh.. tadi trained rock for building manager.. he's got another day tomorrow before officially becoming one of us.. he's not here rite now, studying for the exam @ MU.. will be coming back to the office later to lock all the doors.. ingat lagi masa first time kerja, nak kena kunci semua pintu agak scary.. dah lar sorang2.. takot jer kalau ade apa2 ke yg tersembunyi.. kat sini lagi takot kat orang dari hantu.. bukan nak kata hantu takde, tapi entah lar.. kurang sket kot

abes sumer archive blogger sebelom nih.. rasanya aku dah terdelete.. dammit.. aku tak tau apsal dia tak nak kasi aku republish.. maybe it had something to do with the new policy where u cant access ur file thru ftp for the itd.. end up delete jer coz tension.. lol..

chatting with anna rite now before she went offline.. lol.. mesti disconnected sbb guna dial-up.. oh no.. nanti balik malaysia camana lah yer.. dah takleh nak dload byk benda dah.. skarang nih since aku abes exam lagi awal than the rest, byk citer yg aku tgh dload.. but something happened to my old hard drive where i have all the dloaded files in it.. mcm nak rosak ke ape ke pon tak tau.. tapi after a while, the files got corrupted.. byk kali kena dah.. ended up kena re-dload into my other hard drive.. buang masa je tunggu.. well, at least i have something to do for the whole week..


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