Sunday, May 2

in the morning of moving out from my old lovely room into an unknown room at conger, i was soaked with rain as i helped the girls to rent a truck on plymouth.. couldn't also figure out whether if i can move in right now coz this so called "Amy" who has the lists of names was having a staff meeting at the time when i went to the front desk.. so basically, i guessed what i can do now is to start packing more stuffs..

ingatkan sempat nak update sume template + gambar by the end of this weekend, tapi nampak gayanya mcm tak sempat jek.. lagi2 skarang nih nak kena pindah.. takes a while until ure really settled in your new room.. the problem is nak pindah masok pon tak bley coz org kat bilik aku yg skarang nih pon amek extended stay.. so kalau sume org extend, bile kejadah nya nak dpt pindah..

sejak bate jadi director, mcm-mcm benda yg simple pon nak dijadikan hal.. kononnye ikot procedure or protocol or whatever lame excuses he has to make him always right.. there's a line between doing your job and not doing it.. apa2 pon, aku mmg tak puas hati ngan manusia sorang nih..

well, better start packing stuffs..


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