Wednesday, January 11

Yada yada yada

Nih la aktiviti kitorang masa new years eve kat hartamas. at the same time tgk game man utd dgn team apa tah. aku sampai lambat siket dari diorang, so masa nak carik tuh aku susah gak sbb ramai gile org, then aku ternampak epol rasa mcm salah org coz mamat tu ade pakai belon atas kepala mcm tak logic plak epol nak pakai. then nampak hafiz dok kat tepi dia.. mmg sah la kepala diorang LOL. then tgk fireworks at midnight, mmg kepoh kejap. there was a band performing at the other end of hartamas, we didn't really care listening to them as the game was way important to watch. then one chick came to us and took our photograph FOC. hehe CHEESE!!

Anyway, selamat hari raya haji to all of you (belated). Damn im gonna miss all the CNY awal muharam and hari wilayah holidays. ARGH!

By the way, the new apple laptop is out! Named MacBook Pro, its thinner with the new intel processor (Apple ditched IBM as a processor supplier), 4x faster, 8x graphics bandwith, it has everything to offer. Only comes with 15.4" widescreen display. Price starts from $1999. I WANT I WANT..


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